Magical Benefits Of Onions.

Gandhali Mhatre
6 min readSep 10, 2021

You may not know, but the benefits of onion are plenty. Be it raw or cooked. This vegetable may be the most basic ingredient in your food and you may be consuming it regularly, but little did you know how much a few grams of onion has been aiding your overall health.

The advantages of onion can be classified into two major types internal and external.

Let’s get into the mind blowing world of onions!

A) Internal Benefits of onion.

Now, you may be wondering what I mean by internal benefits? Well, the effects of onion on our internal body are immense some of them are mentioned below.

1. Rich In Nutrients.

If there is one thing onions are capable of giving us in plenty other than tears, then it will be vitamins and nutrients. Yes! Just a little onion in your daily diet and get vitamins A, C and E. Free radicals are a type of unstable molecules in our body which are responsible for early ageing. These molecules are countered by the antioxidants present in onion. Onions are also rich source of potassium, a mineral that a lot of people lack.

DO THIS: Add at least half an onion in your diet.

2. Good Source Of Antioxidants.

Oxidation is a process that takes place in our body, it causes cell damaging and lead up to diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart attack. Antioxidants present in onions counters the process of oxidation and prevents cellular damage. Research says that onions contain more than 20 different antioxidants. Red onion especially receives it’s deep red color from a special plant pigment. This pigment when consumed regularly, increases the supply of antioxidants in our body reducing heart attack risks, prevents certain types of cancers and diabetes.

DO THIS: Learn new onion recipes and serve it to your family.

3. Controls Blood Sugar Level.

Taking an insulin injection or pill regularly sucks. But you can’t afford to let your blood sugar level go out of hand, can you? Whether you are a diabetes patient or not controlling the amount of sugar present in your blood is important. Onions are the most feasible solution to your problem. As it contains certain compounds that may help to curb the blood sugar levels, such as quercetin and sulphur compounds that have anti-diabetic qualities.

DO THIS: Increase intake of onion in your food.

4. Reduces The Risk Of Heart Attack.

There are two types of cholesterols in our body, namely good and bad cholesterol. Constant consumption of junk food increases the levels of cholesterol in our body. This increased cholesterol results in heart blockages and eventually heart attack. Research says to eat onion to terminate the risk of heart attack, as onions possess anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidizing properties that reduce production of cholesterol in our body.

DO THIS: Eat onions not only in main course but in different types of salads too.

Hope all these reasons were enough to convince you to eat onions more. But these are not the only magical benefits of onions, trust me the list is still long way from being complete.

Keep reading to know some more advantages of onions.

B) External Benefits Of Onion.

Do you know that onions possess a lot of medicinal properties? They are really good for our body from inside out. Don’t worry we are no more going to ask you to eat onion. Actually this is quite the opposite. Here are some tips and tricks that you wish you knew before.

1. Get A Glowing Skin At Home.

Who doesn’t want a glowing skin? But in today’s hectic life nobody really has the time to focus on our skin. We daily face harsh factors such as dust, pollution, sunrays, etc. These factors can cause some serious skin damage. I’m sure there are plenty of products in the market that claim to help. And Salon is always just a few blocks away. But can you afford these products or salon on regular basis? Majority will say no.

Well, do not worry the answer lies just in your kitchen. Onion are a good source of vitamin C, which helps in building collagen, which provides structure to skin and hair

DO THIS: Massage the onion extract on your skin. It increases blood circulation.

2. Get Rid Of Acne And Acne-Scars.

Getting rid of acne, pimples and acne scars has become as easy as taking a stroll to the grocery store. Yes! Because that is where you will buy your next batch of onions from. Onions have anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. These properties forbids the cause and spread of acne as it kills acne causing bacteria. It is also a great solution for reducing dark spots and acne scars.

DO THIS: Gently apply onion juice on your face with a clean cotton pad. Let it stay for 10–20 minutes and then wash off with water. Do this 2–3 times a week.

3. Use against any Stings or Bytes.

Bugs and bees can be a real nuisance. Especially so when they byte. Usually we face such situations on a field trip, a hike, a picnic or even while chilling in the park. You may or may not have an anti-inflammatory cream handy. An onion has all the magical properties to sooth a mild burn or a bug byte.

It’s anti-inflammatory properties allows it to work as a cream. Many creams add chemicals or ingredients with have similar qualities to an onion. Why search anywhere when you know the cure is so easy.

DO THIS: Press a slice of freshly chopped onion to the burned or bit area.

4. Free Dandruff Treatment.

If you have dandruff, you might know that it’s very hard to completely get rid of it. No matter which shampoo and conditioner you try that stubborn thing won’t leave your scalp that easily. So don’t waste your precious time on trying the useless products. To end the rent free residence of dandruff from your head use onion juice. Onion proves to be an amazing dandruff healer and can actually stop re-appearance of dandruff.

DO THIS: Extract some onion juice (as per your hair length) and gently massage it on your scalp and through the length of your hair. Do it 2–3 times a week and see instant results. You may also add any essential oil in the juice to prevent the pungent smell.

5. Prevents and Reverses Grey Hair.

We all hate grey hair don’t we? I mean it is an inevitable part of ageing, but today stress, climate change and our irregular diet has increased the chances of greying of hair in almost every age group. Many teenagers face this problem. Though there is no in depth research conducted on this topic. Some properties in onion prove to be beneficial against this issue.

DO THIS: Chop a few onions add it to water and boil it for about 10 minutes. Drain the water and use it on the scalp and hair. If the smell does not bother you leave it overnight or wash it with shampoo once dried. Do as often as you can. You will see the results eventually.

6. Get Shinny Hair At Home.

Want shinny hair at home? Wish granted! We all wish to have hair as beautiful as those TV hair commercials. No doubt there goes a lot of effort firstly from hairdressers and the video editing team later, for the locks to look so silky and smooth. Onion juice is the easiest home remedy, to achieve hair like that.

DO THIS: Apply onion juice on your hair and scalp, simple!

7. End Head Lies.

Do not lie, we all had these teeny tiny creatures crawling on our head at some point of time in our lives. Which may or may not have subjected us to hurtful comments or sometimes even bully. And if you were the fortunate one who has never faced this problem, man were you lucky?

The full-proof solution to this problem is once again our good old onion. It’s anti-bacterial properties help us get rid of head lies and have a clean head.

DO THIS: At least 2–3 times a week thoroughly apply onion extract to your scalp. Let it dry for about 30–45 minutes and then wash it off clean with a shampoo. Avoid hair products like hair spray, hair styling gel, serums etc. for time being.

If you have read till here then I assume you have understood all the magical benefits of onions and how they unknowingly influence our daily life. I bet there is hardly anything that has so many health and beauty advantages. Isn’t it amazing that such a common everyday ingredient has so many properties that can prevent fatal diseases such as cancer, diabetes and controls blood-sugar levels?

Well, still if you are finding it hard to accommodate onion in your day to day diet due to its foul smell or the bad breath you have after eating it, you may want to try some of these exotic onion recipes to give onion a second try. Trust me you won’t regret it.

If you really liked even one of the above points and want to try it yourself please share this post with as many people as you can and make them happy.



Gandhali Mhatre

Hi everyone, I am Gandhali Mhatre. I am a professional content writer and love writing and reading. I love to inspire people by my writing.